Help us eliminate water waste! CLICK HERE for the online reporting form!

For legal purposes, water waste is NOT taking an extra-long shower or leaving the tap on while you brush your teeth. It is defined by ordinance as any water, other than natural precipitation, that flows or sprays into a public right-of-way, municipal storm drain, or adjacent private property. Spray irrigation between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. from April 1-Oct. 31 is also considered water waste. All Water Authority water customers are required to comply with Water Waste regulations.

Reports of water waste result in a reported warning notice or a scheduled field inspection by Water Authority staff. Field inspections are more successful if you provide detailed information about the water waste. Necessary information includes address and the best day and time to observe the violation. Please include the source of the water if it is known. If you have difficulties with the form, please call 842-WATR (9287) Option 5 or E-mail with the information requested on the reporting form [link to form]. Remember, fines are not assessed until a warning is issued and property owners have a chance to correct the problem.

Using a mobile device? You can reach the reporting form by scanning the QR code below.

Waste Water Reporting Form