Jack and the Conservation Critters are at it again in this year’s puppet show. Students sing songs, dance, and have a good laugh while they learn about the importance of water here in the desert where we live.

Our free puppet show for grades K – 2 works best for audiences of 40 – 80 students. The show is 30 minutes, with a 15 minute discussion before and after, making about an hour for the full presentation.

If you would like to schedule a presentation, please fill out this form.

If you have questions, please call call Jeff Tuttle at (505) 804-6705 or email jtuttle@abcwua.org

Here is the puppet show for the 2024-2025 school year!  You can sign up to have it presented at your school at this link!  Sylvia, the Silvery Minnow, one of the main characters in this year’s play, can be downloaded for printing at this link!

Here are some puppet show songs: Listen and then download the lyrics or coloring book if you like them!

Here are some more things from the puppet shows that you can use!

“Wanna Go on a Water Hunt?” (Call and echo water cycle fun)

“The Water that Jack Drank” (8.5×5.5 Coloring book about San Juan-Chama Water Project)

“Jack at the Drinking Water Plant”

“Things We Should Not Flush” (Call and echo song about wastewater)

“Water Travels in a Cycle, Yes It Does!” (Sing to the tune of Shell Be Coming ‘Round the Mtn)