About David Morris

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So far David Morris has created 13 blog entries.

NOTICE — Board Approves Rate Increase for FY2025

Board Approves Rate Increase for Upcoming Fiscal Year June 5, 2024 –The Water Authority’s governing board tonight approved a utility budget for FY2025 that includes [...]

NOTICE — Board Approves Rate Increase for FY20252024-06-05T18:12:37-06:00

NEWS–To’Hajiilee Pipeline Project Underway!

May 15, 2024—A long-awaited pipeline project to bring safe drinking water to the Navajo community of To’hajiilee got underway this morning at a groundbreaking ceremony [...]

NEWS–To’Hajiilee Pipeline Project Underway!2024-05-15T16:41:21-06:00

NOTICE–2023 Water Quality Report Posted

MAY 15, 2024--English and Spanish versions of the Water Authority's federally mandated  Water Quality Report are now available on this website. Hard copies of the [...]

NOTICE–2023 Water Quality Report Posted2024-05-15T14:22:54-06:00

NOTICE–Arbor Day Treebate Reminder

ARBOR DAY "TREEBATE" REMINDER APRIL 26, 2024-The Water Authority reminds customers that "Treebates" of 25 percent (up to $100 for residential accounts and $500 for [...]

NOTICE–Arbor Day Treebate Reminder2024-04-26T10:00:53-06:00

NOTICE–Blowing the Whistle on Water Waste

July 14, 2023 – Reducing outdoor water waste will be a main focus of Water Authority conservation staff this summer as the utility launches a [...]

NOTICE–Blowing the Whistle on Water Waste2023-07-14T10:50:40-06:00